Since 1994

...uniquely winey...


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Wine Museum The museum started in 1994 in the emotional cellar rooms under the Prešov Town Hall and has been housed there since then.

The history of the cellars is very interesting: In 1504, after a large fire in the town, they were rebuilt into a new town wine store, dominated by the main arched hall, which is now used as the tasting room. Other rooms were used for storing wine. That historical link with the wine was broken in the 18th century, at a time of unrest and peasant uprisings. The then Town Hall, located right above the cellars, positioned at the forefront of anti-Hapsburg campaign, experienced "on their own skin" the turning of the cellars into a prison. During subsequent wars, the rooms under the Town hall were used as a town shelter, and later they were used for storing no longer needed things, without any maintenance or care. Before their reconstruction, they were flooded with water, dilapidated and marked by time.

Thanks to the understanding shown by city, the reconstruction of the cellars and their rebuilding into the current Wine Museum started at the end of 1993.